Gratitude to Carlos "CJ" Cristobal

We are saddened to announce the departure of CJ Cristobal, the Media Communications Specialist, as he seeks to further his career in communications. CJ has been a blessing to the ACU and his efforts have assisted us in launching a new and effective communications platform. CJ graduated from Belen in 2016 and then completed his Bachelor’s in communications and digital media at Florida International University and his Master’s from Arkansas State University.

Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe | Classic ACU

If memory serves us right, we began to distribute ACU Classic homilies one year ago this week. With the liturgical year about to end, we will continue releasing classic homilies on the recurring celebratory dates, but because Fr. Llorente left us multiple homilies for each celebration, we are appending the language and year in which the homily was preached, in order to keep them all organized. We are exploring new “deep fake” technology to see if we can deliver Fr. Llorente’s homilies in English and with video, too.

Holy Land Trip "Meet and Greet"

We are pleased to offer a Holy Land Pilgrimage informative meet & greet session with our Director, Fr. Christian Saenz, S.J., and our Tour operator, Jose Aguado, at the Miami Chapter Campus.

This session is open to those Agrupados and Spouses that have already registered for the pilgrimage. The session is also open to any Agrupado and Spouse that is interested and considering the pilgrimage.

Congregante Miguel Massens Honored

Miguel Massens passed to Congregante on December 14, 1968. Miguel studied architecture at the University of Florida.

On Saturday, November 5, 2022, Miguel was inducted into the University of Florida Grand Guard of the Alumni Association upon the celebration of his 50th Anniversary of graduation from the School of Architecture.