Esto Vir Group: Miami Chapter

The Esto Vir Group in Miami held its regular bi-monthly meeting last Tuesday, October 4, 2022. In keeping with the theme for the semester - faith in practice - the group covered a basic understanding of the Bible, including how to read the Bible and how to pray with scripture. The Group continues to offer weekly prayer activities: rosary on Monday, divine office on Wednesday, and Bible study on Friday.

ACU in Miami Catholic Gators in Gainesville

Calling all University of Florida Gator Alumni: The Catholic Gators (CG) at St. Augustine Church & Student Center in Gainesville has teamed up with the Agrupacion Catolica Universitaria (ACU) to teach and instill the principles of Ignatian Spirituality for the members of the Catholic Gators, which also includes students from Santa Fe Community College. The program consists of monthly visits during the academic year with formation presentations by members of the ACU.

Canonization Commission

Marisa Urdiales Llorente, grandniece of Fr. Amando Llorente Villa, SJ, director and restorer of the ACU in exile, sent a heartfelt letter of support for his beatification to Archbishop of Miami Thomas G. Wenski, following her recent visit to the newly appointed bishop of León with members of the Canonization Commission. Please remember to write your own letter to Archbishop Wenski, copying the Canonization Commission.

Memorial of Our Lady of the Rosary

Here’s one of a handful of homilies of Fr. Llorente on Our Lady of the Rosary that were saved through the efforts of agrupados that volunteered for an apostolate of outreach to agrupados away from the Miami House, recording the guardias on cassette tapes (before the days of the Internet) and circulating them among the various houses. This one is from October 1998 and is named, "El Rosario y Nuestra Señora-Batalla de Lepanto.” Nevertheless, in his inimitable style, he works in the history of the memorial, that is the battle of Lepanto, the ACU heroes and martyrs of Guajaybón, Bishop Fulton Sheen and Dr. Carlos Finlay, discoverer of the yellow fever.

Un Diagnóstico de la Sociedad | Homily

P. Alejandro Pizarro, SJ, visiting us from the Province of Chile, speaks to us about our modern society. Why do we constantly fill our days with things? Do we avoid silence? We must overcome these temptations and give time to silence and allow the Lord to speak to us during those times of reflection!