All in UM Student Group

Ad Majored Dei Gloriam (A.M.D.G.) and Contemplative in Action

To kick off the fall semester, Julio Villafane made a presentation to the students drawing on his life experiences on what is meant by Ad Majored Dei Gloria and being Contemplative in Action.

The students voted to review during this academic year a book titled Be A Man! Becoming the Man God Created You To Be, written by Father Larry Richards. The book appropriately enough starts by citing 1 Kings 2:2 “Take courage and be a man”, in Latin, Esto Vir, ACU’s motto.

University of Miami Student Group

The annual Spiritual Exercises for the University of Miami student group were held last Memorial Day weekend. The director was Father Christian A. Saenz, S.J. He was assisted by Father Leo Siqueira, the Catholic Chaplain of the University of Miami. The Exercises took place at the Ignatian Spirituality Center, also known as Casa Manresa, the Jesuit retreat house in Miami.