Esto Vir Group: Exodus 40 Challenge

Esto Vir Group: Exodus 40 Challenge

Last Tuesday, in preparation of Lent, members of the Esto Vir Group took on the Exodus 40 Challenge, which is a program of asceticism, reflection and prayer throughout Lent. The program is meant to highlight the purpose of Lent as a period of preparation for the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus - a path which we are all called to follow. The program invites the participants to deny themselves various pleasures, such as sweets, sugary drinks, television, internet surfing, video games, and social media. Additionally, participants are challenged to engage in physical exercise three times a week, daily mass or holy hour, and a daily examen. Since the members of the Group will have a significant amount of time available from giving up unnecessary technology use, the members have been offered various books to read during Lent, including Mans Search for Meaning, The autobiography of St. Ignatius, St. Francis of Assisi by G.K. Chesterton, and the Imitation of Christ, among others. 

Fratelli Tutti

Fratelli Tutti

ACU University of Miami Student Group

ACU University of Miami Student Group