“Uno solo es el Jefe y Maestro”
“Uno solo es el Jefe y Maestro”
Our Lord is so generous! He gives us many gifts and it is our responsibility to do great things with them. It is a privilege to receive these things from our God, let us live with great courage to accomplish great deeds.
On All Souls Day, we often think of the darkness that comes with death. However, we should be focusing our gaze on the light that comes with Our Lord, Jesus.
Fr. Dave Ruchinski from the University of Florida speaks to us about the things that can help us relate to our Lord, Jesus. We may think that we do not share in his life, but our Lord is so generous that he wanted to be fully like us.
Our Lady is the Patroness of so many Latin American cultures. As Columbus Day passes, we often overlook the importance of the faith being planted in the Americas as well. To this day we see the great impact our faith, and more specifically Our Lady, has had on the culture of the Americas.
P. Alejandro Pizarro, SJ, visiting us from the Province of Chile, speaks to us about our modern society. Why do we constantly fill our days with things? Do we avoid silence? We must overcome these temptations and give time to silence and allow the Lord to speak to us during those times of reflection!
What do we take with us when we come to the end of the line? Our Lord calls us to be with him despite our sins and faults. Our Lord takes back those things which he gives us, so let us focus on what brings us closer to God while we are here on earth.
You might be wearing a cross around your neck right now, but what does that mean? Is it a symbol of our Faith, or is it a sign of courage? Why does this object have such a meaning in the Catholic faith? Fr. Christian explains it to us!
When we are faced with the reality of the end of our lives, will that change the way we live? Are we happy with the way we live today? What changes might we make in our day-to-day lives to be closer to our Lord?
We cannot be okay with complacency in our lives, even when we are doing good things. When Jesus was doing good works, he knew he had to leave that town and move on to continue his mission. Ignatian indifference can become a valuable tool for us to use to fight off the temptation of complacency.
Our Lord will always recognize us, even if we do not know him. When we do see Jesus, we must allow his impression on our hearts to change our lives. We must keep our eyes and hearts open to see the moments where Christ is. If we do not see Jesus, what else are we missing?
Have you ever wondered, "What was Christ's mission here on earth?" Or thought, "How can I continue Christ's mission?" David Pernia is back to answer both of those questions. In this video he inspires us to be an active collaborator in the Mission of Christ. David gives us three easy steps to ensure that we take part in Christ's Mission.
In this episode of the Ignatian F.Y.I. series, David Fernandez introduces us to the rules for Ignatian decision making! This video will help us to implement these decision making techniques into our every day life. David Fernandez is the current President of the ACU's Miami Chapter and has been a congregant since 1999.
In this episode, David Pernia teaches us a new way to grow deeper in our prayer life. A way for us to encounter Christ with all of our senses. With Imaginative Prayer, we pray on an extremely unique and personal level.
In this episode, Eric teaches us an extremely practical way for us to find God in our lives by praying the Examen. In the Examen, St. Ignatius gives us the tools to better ourselves, our relationship with God, and with others.
In this episode, David Fernandez speaks to us about Consolation and Desolation. What are they? What do they mean? What is God trying to tell us when we are in these different states?
David is the current President of the Miami Chapter and has been a congregant since 1999.
In this episode of the Ignatian F.Y.I. series, Eric is back to talk to us about Ignatian indifference and how we can use it to unlock true freedom!
In this second episode, Eric Lastres challenges us to live fully alive. Piggy-backing off of what David told us last week, Eric gives us the next step in living a clear driven life. Eric is a student at the University of Florida, and is a founding member of the Estovir Group at Belen Jesuit Preparatory School.
In this video, David Pernia explains the Principle & Foundation of Ignatian Spirituality! David is a Student at Florida International University, and a member of the ACU Student Group at the University of Miami! David helps us find a clear purpose and direction for our lives.
Welcome to the Ignatian F.Y.I. Series. These videos are designed to help you live your life with a clearer direction and purpose. With each new video, we will teach you about a different aspect of Ignatian Spirituality, and how you can use it in your everyday life! We hope you find these videos helpful!
“Uno Solo es el Jefe y Maestro.”
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Spiritual Exercises
Challenge yourself with silence! Set aside your daily distractions, discern your passions, & encounter Jesus Christ in your life!
— St. Ignatius of Loyola
Our Mission
The "Agrupado" (congregant) mission is to follow in the Agrupación's motto; “Esto Vir” (1 Kings 2:2). Translated from Latin, it means: «be a man». Every person has the potential to excel at the particular vocation God has proposed each one. For an Agrupado, “Esto Vir” embodies the call of God, to become modern beacons of light for the World.