All in Homilies

La Virgen Como Nuestro Pilar | Homily

Our Lady is the Patroness of so many Latin American cultures. As Columbus Day passes, we often overlook the importance of the faith being planted in the Americas as well. To this day we see the great impact our faith, and more specifically Our Lady, has had on the culture of the Americas.

Un Diagnóstico de la Sociedad | Homily

P. Alejandro Pizarro, SJ, visiting us from the Province of Chile, speaks to us about our modern society. Why do we constantly fill our days with things? Do we avoid silence? We must overcome these temptations and give time to silence and allow the Lord to speak to us during those times of reflection!

What We Take With Us | Homily

What do we take with us when we come to the end of the line? Our Lord calls us to be with him despite our sins and faults. Our Lord takes back those things which he gives us, so let us focus on what brings us closer to God while we are here on earth.

Comfort is Dangerous | Homily

We cannot be okay with complacency in our lives, even when we are doing good things. When Jesus was doing good works, he knew he had to leave that town and move on to continue his mission. Ignatian indifference can become a valuable tool for us to use to fight off the temptation of complacency.

Do we Recognize Jesus? | Homily

Our Lord will always recognize us, even if we do not know him. When we do see Jesus, we must allow his impression on our hearts to change our lives. We must keep our eyes and hearts open to see the moments where Christ is. If we do not see Jesus, what else are we missing?