Screening of Divino Impaciente

Screening of Divino Impaciente

We invite the Agrupados and their families to come to the ACU Miami House on Saturday, January 21st, at 5:00 PM, to a celebration of the 20th anniversary of the theatrical representation by the ACU of the play “El Divino Impaciente” written by José María Pemán in 1933 on the life of Saint Francis Xavier. Many Agrupados, their wives and children, along with Fr. Amando Llorente, SJ, participated as actors, set designers and costume makers. We will begin the celebration with a Mass by Fr. Christian Sáenz, SJ, followed by a dinner and then a viewing of the recording of the play on the large screen. Come join us!

Passing of Raquel Cazañas Díaz de la Huerta

Passing of Raquel Cazañas Díaz de la Huerta

UCatholic Baccalaureate Mass

UCatholic Baccalaureate Mass