A Message from the 90th Anniversary Committee

Dear agrupados,

The group responsible for the organization of the events to celebrate the ACU’s 90th Anniversary is concluding its work. The ACU 2021 Assembly Committee submitted to the ACU Board of Directors a set of recommendations that were developed as a result of the assembly of Congregants held on December 3, 2021. The recommendations will be discussed by the ACU Board of Directors; the Board can use these to formulate a ten-year strategic plan to prepare for the celebration of the ACU’s Centennial and to help us focus on how to meet the ACU’s mission during its second century…

Get to Know Fr. Leo Siqueira

The Rev. Leo Siqueira, who was first ordained as a deacon in April 2020 and was recently ordained priest and assigned to St. Augustine, has taken Tran’s place as the University’s dedicated Catholic priest. Although his post at St. Augustine is his first assignment as priest, his seminary education spanned a range of experiences including religious education for children and adults, prison and hospital ministry, and work with those facing drug addiction.

Fraternus visits Miami

Last week, the Miami Chapter hosted Jason Craig, the co-founder of Fraternus and owner of St. Joseph's Farm. Jason spent time with a variety of Agrupados, friends, and their sons to discuss the crisis of manhood, the need to inculcate virtue in the youth, and the importance of accompanying boys as they develop into young men.