University of Miami Student Group

University of Miami Student Group

Awareness, Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam, and Magis were three themes that Javier Arellano emphasized at the last student group meeting.  Awareness, noticing where God has been; Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam, doing everything for the greater glory of God; and magis, striving for excellence; all fundamental and interrelated concepts of Ignatian Spirituality.


Javier also shared with the students that he became a Congregant during the ACU’s 75th anniversary Mass at the historical Gesu Church in downtown Miami 15 years ago.  Our upcoming 90th anniversary Mass, will also be held at Gesu Church next month.  (See nearby photo of Javier receiving his Congregant medal from Father Llorente in 2006, and a group photo from the 75th anniversary Mass)

Esto Vir Group: Miami Chapter

Esto Vir Group: Miami Chapter

Let the Holy Spirit Speak | Homily

Let the Holy Spirit Speak | Homily