New! "Classic" podcasts of Fr. Llorente homilies and agrupado círculos

New! "Classic" podcasts of Fr. Llorente homilies and agrupado círculos

We launch this new weekly SPANISH series with the start of the Church’s liturgical year, also referred to as Year of Grace, the infinite celebration of God’s love. The podcast is divided in three sections: Fr. Llorente’s homily for the corresponding week, not necessarily the reading of the day, and the círculo that followed the Mass, invariably with Fr. Llorente’s contributions during Q&A. The Advent homily, a very Marian message for all agrupados, and the círculo, on the Interpretation of the Bible by José Ignacio Lasaga, based on a Pope Pius XII Encyclical promoting biblical studies. Lasaga is recognized as one of Cuba’s most brilliant intellectuals of his time. The original recording is from December 1992. Lastly, and more for historical purposes, we include Fr. Llorente and agrupados’ petitions, announcements, and the closing ACU Hymn.

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