Napa Institute Watch Party Review

Napa Institute Watch Party Review

A group of 10 Agrupados gathered at the ACU House in Miami for the final NAPA Institute Watch Party. We are especially grateful to Fr. Eduardo Barrios, S.J., for celebrating Mass for the group. They group viewed the following video on Vatican II:

  • What was Vatican II Really About" with George Weigel

    • George Weigel dispels controversies surrounding Vatican II by revisiting the historical record

  • "Pope Francis & Vatican II" with Bishop Robert Barron

  • "Hope in Mercy" with Fr. Michael Gaitley

    • Fr. Gaitley finds within the teachings of St. John Paul II the true interpretation of Vatican II and shows that Pope Francis' focus on mercy is a continuation of that teaching.

The group held fruitful discussions after each video on topics of truth, evangelization and mercy. 

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