Esto Vir: UM Student Group

Esto Vir: UM Student Group

Two words that define us: Esto vir. At the last meeting Nathan Bonet explained the biblical context and source of the words Esto vir (1 Kings 2:2), that they are part of our hymn, and that it's our motto.


The talk was also partially based on a book titled Be A Man!, Becoming The Man God Created You To Be, written by Father Larry Richards.


Nathan became a Congregant during the 90th anniversary Mass at Gesu last December. He serves as the President of the ACU student group at the University of Miami.   


Recommendations to the ACU Board

Recommendations to the ACU Board

Solemnity of St. Joseph and Annunciation of the Lord | Classic ACU

Solemnity of St. Joseph and Annunciation of the Lord | Classic ACU