Esto Vir Group
The Esto Vir Group met last Tuesday evening on ZOOM. This week, the group discussed pornography and its distortion of sexuality as ordained by God. The group addressed some alarming statistics as to the rise of pornograph, especially during the pandemic. The use of pornography has grave effects on marriages and distorts the healthy view of the sexes. The group discussed exposure, especially through social media, which normalizes this conduct. They also discussed the differences between exploration and addition and challenged each other to develop a healthy understanding and knowledge base about sexuality based upon our faith. The group will continue to address the Church's teaching on this topic.
On Saturday, October 17, 2020, members of the Esto Vir Group met for their second Saturday Sacraments event. Fr. Saenz celebrated Mass for the Group on the memorial of St. Ignatius of Antioch and spoke about the necessity of men to give their lives for something; St. Ignatius of Antioch gave his life to Christ and his Church receiving the ultimate reward of Heaven. Following Mass, the Group heard a witness from Marty Perez about his exposure to the ACU through young college students on fire for the faith. The Group completed the day by stuffing envelopes for a mass mailing for the ACU.