CCMA One-Day Conference with Catholic Gators — ACU
CCMA One-Day Conference with Catholic Gators

CCMA One-Day Conference with Catholic Gators

A delegation from the ACU was invited by Fr. Dave Ruchinski to participate in a regional conference with the Catholic Campus Ministry Association (CCMA) at St. Augustine Catholic Church and Student Center in Gainesville, Florida. Fr. Ruchinski is the pastor of St. Augustine, which also operates the Catholic Gators campus ministry program for the University of Florida. In addition to Catholic Gators, numerous other campus ministry programs were present including the University of Miami, Florida State, University of South Florida, and others. The ACU delegation, led by Andres Manrara and Gerry Portela, participated in all events of the conference and also presented to the various campus ministry programs present about the mission of the ACU and how the ACU can assist these programs in the fulfillment of their goals, particularly serving as a bridge for students graduating university and entering the workforce. Joining Andres and Gerry in this effort were Carlos Muniz, Vice President of the ACU, Efrain Zabala, and Jerry Fernandez.

UM Student Group Goes Cycling

UM Student Group Goes Cycling

Ash Wednesday | Classic ACU Ep. 15

Ash Wednesday | Classic ACU Ep. 15