Camino Ignaciano Update: May 7th, 2022
Our group now (around thirty five) is getting ready to start practicing for our daily walk and our first practice walk will begin on Saturday May 14, 2022 for those living in the Miami area.
We will meet in Loyola on Friday July 22, 2022 and will begin walking on Sunday July 24, 2022 arriving in Manresa on Saturday July 30, 2022. Father Julio Minsal-Ruiz SJ, Father Jose G. Cedeño SJ and Father Paul Rourke SJ will be leading us spiritually.
Leon & Mansilla Mayor: We will visit as a Pre-Camino the day before the birthplace of Father Amando Llorente, SJ with a group of caminantes being led by Efrain Zabala. IF you happen to be in Spain on July 21 (Thursday) or July 22(Friday) and want to join us, contact Efrain’s (
Still have room for five more! Questions: Ignacio J. Abella (Belen1964) (305-775-4335) or Carlos Muñiz (Belen 1985) (305-282-2352).