Apostolate Census

Apostolate Census

Dear Agrupados:

In July of this year, the Apostolate Commission sent out a brief census focused on apostolate activity. We are grateful to all those that responded, however, we received only 19 responses from across the ACU. Yet, between those 19 Agrupados, 62 different apostolates were identified, whether current or past.

We know that many more Agrupados are involved in apostolate activity. The Apostolate Commission has made it easier for you to respond to the apostolate census. By clicking the link below, you will be taken to a form with just three substantive questions that you can complete in under five to ten minutes.

This information will allow the Apostolate Commission to understand the character and form of the apostolate activity undertaken by Agrupados. With this information, the ACU as an organization will be better equipped to promote apostolate activity for which Agrupados are adept to perform. Furthermore, the ACU as an organization can better assist its members to undertake an apostolate or to assist the various Chapters in establishing apostolates.  

We look forward to a substantial response rate in the following three weeks!

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University of Miami Student Group

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