ACU Young Professionals Group

ACU Young Professionals Group

The ACU Young Professionals Group continues to grow in their Catholic formation and understanding of the Agrupacion. They met twice last week covering the topic of apostolado. On Wednesday, June 2nd, they met with Congregantes Willie Cueto and Mariano Perez during the Miami Chapter’s social. Willie and Marty gave a testimony on what apostolados they have done and how it has affected their lives.

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On Saturday, June 5th, the group met to continue their discussion on apostolado. Roberto Anton led a review on chapters 5 & 6 from Apostolicam Actuositatem, a decree on the apostolate of the laity by Pope Paul VI. After this review, the group discussed and contemplated on what apostolados they can do as a group to serve the community and continue to grow in their Catholic formation.

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