All in Presentations

Evening of Reflection for Married Couples

This past weekend, the Miami Chapter hosted an evening of marriage reflection for married and engaged couples. Mass was celebrated by one of the ACU’s former directors, Fr. Willie Arias, SJ, and we were blessed to have over 30 couples participate!

The night began with Adoration and continued with Mass, which was followed by a presentation and dinner.

Special Thanks to Fr. Richard Vigoa who joined us as our guest speaker!

Summarizing our Visit with the Catholic Gators

A few Agrupados visited the University of Florida and met with Fr. Dave Ruchinski, the Pastor at the Catholic Student Center at the University of Florida and friend of the ACU. Some of the Agrupados, who are Gator Alums, met with us on Wednesday to recap what happened during their visit, which led to a discussion on how we can help the Catholic Gators.

From Christendom to Apostolic Mission | Presentation

Willie Cueto, Congregante '97, speaks to us about a book titled, "From Christendom to Apostolic Mission." His presentation which later turns into a discussion, explains how the Church has gotten bigger, and smaller, as the clock keeps ticking. It explores the relationship between the Church and society, which leads to a great discussion after the presentation.