Yoyi Betancourt Turns 100!

Yoyi Betancourt Turns 100!

Our beloved Yoyi turned 100 years old on Wednesday, December 23rd, 2020.  Yoyi served as ACU President from 1972 to 1982.  His main apostolate was Detention Ministry which consisted of directing the Liturgy of the Word every week for 30 years.  He is the oldest living Belen School alumnus  --a graduate of the class of 1938.


Nearby are pictures from his attendance at the Immaculate Conception celebration at the ACU House on December 5, a drive-by tribute at his home on December 19, and a birthday celebration during the Wednesday Miami Guardia last week.


Trivia from 1920, the year when Yoyi was born: The President was Woodrow Wilson. The US population was 106 million. Life expectancy for males was 53.6 years. A postage stamp was two cents. Radios became available for purchase in the US.

Guardia Especial via Zoom

Guardia Especial via Zoom

Esto Vir Group Alumni

Esto Vir Group Alumni