Update from the ACU 2021 Assembly Committee

Update from the ACU 2021 Assembly Committee

The purpose of the ACU 2021 Assembly was to develop the framework or key components of a ten-year strategic plan for the ACU that would help to prepare the ACU for its second century.

The ACU 2021 Assembly Committee met on January 18 to start working on the recommendations for the strategic plans. Our first step is to gather the inputs from the discussion groups at the assembly and to do the initial analysis to extract and summarize specific goals and timelines for the three ACU Pillars. This work is ongoing— we are reviewing the assembly output for each of the Pillars: Spirituality, Professionalism and Apostolate. We plan to identify the major recommendations and determine what intermediate steps/milestones will be useful to achieve the desired goal

The ACU 2021 Assembly Committee will meet on March 1 to review and discuss the inputs from each of the three Pillars. The committee will then begin preparation of the recommendations for the ten-year ACU strategic plan. The goal of the committee is to have its final report submitted to the ACU Consejo General before its summer meeting.

Guardia Sabatina: January

Guardia Sabatina: January

Guardia Sabatina: February 12th

Guardia Sabatina: February 12th