Our Lady of Fatima | Classic ACU
On this May, month of Mary, we anticipate the celebration of Our Lady of Fatima next Friday, May 13, fourth week of Easter. We have digitized, so far, four separate Fr. Llorente homilies on Our Lady of Fatima and here’s the last one of them, dated May 20, 1998. Sister Lucia of Fatima was still alive at the time. On this recording one can sense how much Fr. Llorente loved talking about our Mother and our Church. All other homilies of Fr. Llorente will eventually appear in The ACU App. Please download it onto your smartphone, whether Apple iOS or Android devices. We were just informed that all audio cassettes in our possession have now been digitized and look forward to having them reviewed, categorized and released to the world. If you would like to be of assistance on that project, please contact ACUSaints@estovir.org.