Las Tres Pasiones de Cristo | Classic ACU

Las Tres Pasiones de Cristo | Classic ACU

For Holy Week here’s Fr. Llorente’s homily, LAS TRES PASIONES DE CRISTO, from April 1, 1998. Side note of interest: When asked about the reading of the Bible, Fr. Llorente would counsel that the reader start with a biography of our Lord Jesus Christ. Over time he mentioned two works, 1) Bishop Fulton Sheen’s Life of Christ, written in English (~200 pgs.) and translated into Spanish (the latter out of print) and most recently, as he did in this homily, he recommended the work by fellow Jesuit Fr. José Luis Martín Descalzo, Vida y Misterio de Jesús de Nazaret (~1,000 pgs.).

This week we start a new section of CLASSIC ACU, a monthly series, presenting over half-a-million words of Catholic dogma, apologetics and morals published in dozens of small booklets (“folletos”) distributed in over a dozen countries in the 1950’s and early '60’s. It was the largest distribution of Catholic publications (over a million copies in total) in Cuba at the time. It seems appropriate to start with the first of two booklets on “Qué es la A.C.U.”, this one published in 1952, two years prior to the ACU being named model university Marian Sodality at the First World Congress of Our Lady’s Sodalities in Rome in 1954.

Suffering with Christ | Homily

Suffering with Christ | Homily

April Guardia Sabatina

April Guardia Sabatina