Join us to Celebrate the 90th Anniversary of the ACU
Dear Agrupados:
We are upon the anniversary of 90 years since the founding of the ACU. In 1931, Fr. Felipe Rey de Castro, SJ, was concerned that the society around him was pulling away from Christianity and slowly becoming a society bereft of faith, dismissive of God, and callous toward those most in need. He saw hope in a group of young men willing to walk a different path. He brought these men into an encounter with Christ through Mary, teaching them the eternal truths of our faith, and fostering in them a love for the Church. These young men would inspire other young men to take up the cause. Shortly thereafter, these men were witnessing to Christ in the world and teaching the faith to a society in need. Uniquely adept at evangelization, the ACU began spreading the faith through print media, radio, conferences, retreats, and the witness of a life lived in Christ. In addition to these activities, the ACU engaged in a variety of social outreach programs to those in need.
90 years later, our society is different. Various advances in production, medicine, globalization, and technology have progressed society in many ways. While our society consistently strives toward advancement, our faith is constant. Truth is eternal. Christ is forever.
In these past 90 years, the ACU has formed nearly 1,200 men for the kingdom of God. The ACU has placed men of God among the numerous professions to evangelize society. Agrupados have always stood as a countercultural witness to the apathy, pride, narcissism, greed and lust that can pervade in our society appearing especially in the professions, politics, corporations, and employment generally. Within the world, we fly the flag of Christ.
The ACU's mission remains pertinent today. The values of Christianity, which point us toward our true purpose and inform our mission, are being ignored and abandoned. It is not difficult for us to discern the areas in which our society has betrayed truth. But, it is not ours to judge whether society is better or worse in this decade than it was 90 years ago. Christ never promised us Christendom; he never promised us a society devoid of sin. He promised us his life and asks that we take up his life no matter the condition of society.
As president of the ACU I invite you and encourage you to make preparations to be present in Miami from December 3rd to the 5th to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the ACU. In this newsletter you will find the necessary information for your plans. While we will celebrate the wonderful works that the agrupados have accomplished over the years, we will also celebrate the solid friendships and community that give the ACU its coherence. Agrupados could independently go about their witness of Christ, but the Lord himself taught us that we are more effective in community. The animo of the ACU lives among us. The 90th anniversary celebration is the beginning of the next 10 years. Join us to meet this challenge together, animados to spread the fire of the Gospel just as Fr. Rey de Castro did with that small number of men in 1931.