Guardia Sabatina

Guardia Sabatina

The Miami Chapter resumed the Saturday Guardia this past weekend following the summer hiatus. We are extremely grateful to Fr. Manolo Maza, SJ, for celebrating Mass for us. Congregante Carlos Bravo led the group in a reflection and discussion on the pillar of Spirituality, one of the three pillars of the ACU. The focus of the Saturday Guardias for the remainder of the year will be the pillars of the ACU as we prepare for the 90th anniversary celebration both in thanksgiving for the past 90 years, but also in preparation for the next 10 years. 

The next Saturday Guardia is scheduled for October 30, 2021, at 10:00 a.m. Please mark your calendars!

Divine Providence | Homily

Divine Providence | Homily

Spiritual Exercises for Women in Miami

Spiritual Exercises for Women in Miami