First Anniversary of the Miami Young Professionals Group

First Anniversary of the Miami Young Professionals Group

The Miami ACU Young Professionals Formation Group was begun in late February of 2021, at the request of a young professional who had an interest in a formal ACU program of formation for him and his friends, and who was inspired by the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius with Fr. Saenz. Of note, he had several friends who had taken him to ACU activities and his father had been an active Aspirante in the Orlando Chapter of the ACU in the 1990's, having passed in Miami with Father Llorente.

The formation group meets every other Saturday morning for about two hours at a rotating member's home or at the ACU. The meetings have begun with one of several spiritual activities, including the Rosary, the Litanies of the Blessed Mother or St. Joseph, chapters from the Kempis, or readings from the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Each meeting follows with two circulos de formacion, and a monthly Instruccion de Aspirantes. The members prepare and present the circulos to each other, with moderation by a Congregante. In addition there have been circulos by several Jesuits and by Congregantes. One year in, the group has received eleven Instrucciones de Aspirantes, most have participated in at least one Ejercicio Espiritual, and they have just completed circulos on the first third of the Papal Catechism of the Cathodic Church through paragraph 1065. In addition there have been several podcast apostolado meetings, in addition to their presentation service to the group.

This semester, the group pivots to cover the History of the Church before resuming the next section of Catechism. Attached are some photographs from the first year of the group's activities.

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