Esto Vir Group

Esto Vir Group

The Esto Vir Group met last Tuesday evening on ZOOM. This week, the group discussed the USCCB guidance on forming our consciences in preparing for voting. The members went through the five non-negotiables issues as well as the matters of prudential judgment. A thorough discussion was had on how the issue of abortion, and respect for life, affects each of the other non-negotiable issues. These non-negotiable issues touch on the nature of the human being and the purpose for which we were created. Additionally, the group addressed varying policy issues applying to the matters of prudential judgment, such as immigration, gun control, and environmental policy. There are different ways to bring each of these issues in line with Catholic Social Doctrine while maintaining the point at which each prudential issue reflects the issue of life.  

Catholic Young Professionals

Catholic Young Professionals

All Saints Day Mass

All Saints Day Mass