Catholic Young Professionals

Catholic Young Professionals

Last night, the Miami section of the Catholic Young Professionals hosted Congregante Carlos Muñiz. Carlos has 30 years of experience as a channel sales and marketing professional. He holds a bachelor's in electrical engineering from Georgia Tech and an MBA from the University of Vermont. He has worked for various fortune 500 companies as well as start-ups and family owned businesses. Carlos held an engaging discussion titled "Own Your Professional Story." Understanding that many professionals may hold various job titles, work in different fields and different employers, Carlos focused the conversation on developing a story that emphasizes contributions to the workplace. He urged the young adults to reflect on three questions:

  1. Where have I been?

  2. Where am I now?

  3. Where would I like to go?

The Ignatian spirituality is evident in these questions and leads one to develop an integrated approach to the oft misunderstood concept of work/life balance. The participants were expressly grateful to Carlos for sharing a method in which to take control of their professional story and live it with meaning and purpose. We are grateful to Carlos for sharing his time and talent with the group.

University of Miami Student Group

University of Miami Student Group

Esto Vir Group

Esto Vir Group