Esto Vir Group

Esto Vir Group

Last week, the Esto Vir Group, held their regular weekly meeting. The Group reviewed Pope Francis' first encyclical Lumen Fidei and discussed the meaning of faith and how faith calls us to conversion. Since our faith is in the person of Jesus Christ, we addressed the need to accept and cultivate a personal relationship with the Lord. To have faith, means to know of Jesus, to accept Him, and to imitate His life. The Group also addressed the various idols of the modern world and how they distract us from true faith. This is part of a series of talks entitled "Do you know the Way?" The Group is taking a closer look at the doctrines and dogmas of our Church as the one true way to fulfillment and eternal life. 

Apostolate of Visitation

Apostolate of Visitation

Inmigración y Justicia Social: Parte I

Inmigración y Justicia Social: Parte I